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How to Write Blog Article (2021)

How to Write Blog Article (2021)

your blog posts not converted as well as you’d like? Do you want to know the secrets of how to write a blog post that converts? In this article, we’ll share some tips to help you write a blog post that gets clicks and sales!

How to Write Blog Article

You see, most of the people who visit your blog post usually leave without having read it completely.

And the worst part is that an even greater percentage of people who see your blog on your social media platforms never even click on it.

You actually only have 2-3 seconds to grab your user’s attention, convince them to click, and actually read your blog post.

So how do you ensure that your content marketing efforts don’t go to waste? Well, you follow these tips, and we promise it will help you write blog posts that convert.

1. Know Your Audience

know your audience

Before you start writing, it is crucial that you know who your audience is and what they are looking for.

Rather than guessing what your audience needs or wants, try making data-driven decisions by doing industry research and competition analysis.

Sounds complicated? Not really.

The easiest way to get information about your audience is to use the MonsterInsights tool. It is the best Google Analytics tool for WordPress and we highly recommend that you use it. Here’s why:

  • Turn complex website data into simple reports that are easy for everyone to understand
  • Gives valuable insights into who your target audience is and where they come from
  • Helps you understand what works and where to improve
  • Dedicated reports for publishers that perform well landing pages , exit pages and links
  • Calculates the average scroll depth so you know how far visitors will read your post before they lose interest
  • Shows which search terms are getting the most clicks and impressions

You can install MonsterInsights like any WordPress plugin and then connect to your Google Analytics account. If you need more help with this, check out our guide to setting up MonsterInsights.

Once that’s done, you can access the MonsterInsights dashboard from your WordPress admin area.

You will see reports that tell you how much traffic your site is getting, how long your users stay on your site, and how fast they bounce. This will tell you whether visitors find your content interesting or not.

MonsterInsights Valuable Metrics

You can also see where your visitors come from per country and per source.

monsterinsights top referral sources

So you know whether visitors find your site through social media or other websites. With this understanding, you can tailor your content to their interests.

You can then see which messages are doing well. You can then analyze these posts to see what works with your audience.

top posts in MonsterInsights

MonsterInsights has everything you need to understand your audience and create blog posts that actually convert!

Now if you need more blog post ideas, we’ve listed 103 blog post ideas and 73 blog post types that have been proven to work.

2. Write

Compelling Headlines

compelling headlines If you don’t have a catchy headline, chances are your blog post will not be read or shared.

As humans, we are shallow. We judge a book by its cover and a blog post by its title.

Therefore, the title of your blog post is crucial to the success of that article.

If you’re using MonsterInsights, there is a built-in headline analysis tool. It appears at the top of the post or page editor in WordPress.

monsterinsights headline analyzer

Just click on the headline analyzer in the top right corner and it will rate your copy on a scale from 1 to 100. It will also provide suggestions on which words to use and the word count limit.

If you don’t have MonsterInsights installed, you can use the headline analyzer on OptinMonster for FREE!

It ensures that you write the most clickable and SEO friendly headlines that bring in more traffic.

3. Add subtitles and shorter paragraphs to the page

Subheading and Formatting

split. Formatting is super important for blog posts. There is nothing worse than reading a blog post that is just one giant paragraph.

Usually, people browse the content before actually deciding to read it, so we always recommend breaking up your article with subheadings.

Anything you can do to make it easy for the user will help them read your blog post (and take the action you want).

Another quick tip is to use shorter paragraphs to help your readers go through your post.

At OptinMonster, you may have noticed that we tend to split up every paragraph every few lines. Here’s an example from one of our posts on ecommerce optimization:

Example from OptinMonster blog post to show we don't use blocks of text

Notice how small the text blocks are. Usually we stick to 2-3 lines of text, maybe 4 if something really needs explanation.

We do this to help our readers absorb any information that comes their way in the shortest amount of time.

Keep in mind that not all types of content are created equal. Large blocks of text are fine in books. But blog posts are different. They are designed to provide highly targeted, high-quality information in a short period of time.

In other words, we know our audience is not going to sit down to read War and Peace. They want to know how to drive traffic, convert leads and increase their earnings.

And they want all that information yesterday.

So organize your ideas through subheadings and keep your paragraphs short to help your reader absorb more information in less time.

Sometimes you can even go a step further than short paragraphs, which brings us to our next tip …

4. Use bullet points

People tend to read blog posts before deciding to read them. That means you need to make sure to highlight your best information. That way, they can quickly see that your post is worth their time.

Aside from subheadings, bulleted lists are perfect because they are really easy to scroll through.

Here are some tips we use to write bullets that people will actually read: Outline

  • benefits. Think of bullets as mini-cups.
  • Keep your bullets symmetrical. 1-2 lines each.
  • Avoid bullet tangles. Do not write bulleted paragraphs.
  • Remember bullets are not sentences. They are like headlines.

Again, people don’t come to blog posts to read at their leisure. They want specific information and don’t want to work on it.

Bullets are a great way to educate your audience so they keep coming back for more.

5. Adding images

Brain with Colors

The human brain processes visual content much faster than text-based content. Therefore, adding engaging images can increase your engagement.

There are tons of great free resources for finding high-quality royalty-free images.

But honestly, you better take your own photos or create your own images. Stock photos are great when you’re in trouble (and we definitely use them every once in a while!), But they’re not super personal.

For OptinMonster, we also use Shutterstock, a premium stock photo site. This allows us to create custom images for our post’s featured image:

Example of a featured image

Or to create interesting images to break up the text in our article (like the image under our next tip for example?).

6. Optimize for SEO

Onpage SEO

In the blogging world, SEO can be tricky. On the one hand, you should never put SEO above user experience (UX). On the other hand , you shouldn’t ignore SEO either.

The goal is to find the balance.

The truth is that organic searches on Google generate a lot of the traffic for most websites. OptinMonster included.

If you want to maximize your SEO ranking, we highly recommend optimizing your blog post for important SEO ranking factors.

Now, a few years ago, it meant hiring an SEO analyst, but now there are tools that make it easy to do it yourself.

All in One SEO is the most powerful and easy to use WordPress SEO plugin. Here’s what you get:

  • Useful checklist to optimize every page
  • Detailed content and readability
  • analysis Easily add SEO elements such as meta title, description and targeted keywords
  • Add XML sitemaps and schema markup to improve SEO rankings
  • Competitive analysis to beat the competition outperform
  • Integrate with other tools and social media platforms

It’s the most beginner-friendly SEO tool, so anyone can use it and rank their pages.

To learn more about what to optimize, check out these 14-point checklist blog posts to use before clicking publish.

7. Add a clear call to action

To save the best for last, here’s our final tip for writing a blog post that converts: add a clear call to action.

Whether you want to ask your readers to comment, share your blog post, follow on social media, or buy your product, make sure you clearly state what you want them to do.

A good call to action is something that is easy to distinguish and stands out.

Typically, the call to action for your blog posts will ask readers to share their content if they liked what they read.

If you follow the OptinMonster blog, you have probably noticed that we finish most articles like this. The call to action looks something like this:

Example of the end of an optinmonster blog post

if your content is fantastic, most readers will be happy to share it. And if your product is great, most people will be happy to buy it.

But to get them to do either, you have to ask!

8. Set up an Exit-Intent® Campaign

If you want to be serious about converting your visitors into subscribers and customers, you need more power!

Blog posts are great, but there is only so much they can do. That’s why lead generation tools exist in the market.

The most powerful lead generation and conversion optimization tool is OptinMonster.

optinmonster homepage

With OptinMonstercampaigns you can create conversion such as lightbox popups, slide-ins, notification bars, banners and scroll boxes.

To understand why you need OptinMonster, 75% of the visitors who leave your site will never return. So you only get that one chance to convert them before they leave your site.

You can do this using OptinMonster’s Exit-Intent® technology. This detects when a visitor leaves your site and displays a popup.

You can ask them to subscribe to your emails or newsletters, or post an offer they can’t resist buying now!

Watch how Shockbyte more than doubled their conversion rate with Exit-Intent® with the help of this popup.

Shock byte exit intent

How is this possible? Let’s take a look at OptinMonster’s powerful features.

  • 100+ ready-to-use templates to create stunning campaigns in minutes.
  • Drag and drop visual builder that anyone can
  • choose from 9 different campaign types, such as popups, floating bars and gamified wheels
  • Tons of targeting options such as Exit-Intent; reg, time spent on page, source
  • A / B testing of visitors to optimize results
  • and insights to improve campaigns

Analysis After installing and activating OptinMonster on your site, all you need to do is choose a campaign type and a template.

Select a template for your campaign.

Then use the drag and drop builder to customize the popup. After that, you can set the display rules to control when, where and to whom your popup is shown.


After that, all you have to do is publish your campaign and watch your conversions skyrocket.Get started with a high conversion popup today!

9. Set Up Recent Activity Notifications

Another great way to increase conversions in your blog posts is to use social proof, such as recent activity popups.

Shopify email marketing trustpulse notification

Social proof works in two ways. First, it uses the fear of missing out (FOMO), which is basically what others want.

It also builds trust with visitors. This is because we are more likely to take action or buy something when we see others doing the same.

It’s that simple!

The best way to add social proof to your site is to use TrustPulse.

It allows you to easily create and customize non-intrusive pop ups on your site. You can decide what activity to record, such as logins, downloads, and purchases.

choose how to capture activity

You can control when, where and to whom the pop-ups are displayed. So you can target different audiences and show pop-up campaigns that are more likely to lead to conversions.

For example, on your homepage you can view welcome notifications and all recent activities. But on high conversion pages, you can show recent sales to maximize conversions.

To learn more about this, check out more ways to use social proof to increase your conversions.

10. Sending blog post engage

web notifications Web push notifications allow you to with your readers long after their first visit to your site.

So even if they didn’t convert the first time, you can use push notifications to get them back to your site.

pushengage demo push notification

To create these notifications, you can use PushEngage. It is the most powerful push notification tool and it is easy to use.

When you sign up, PushEngage starts displaying a subscription option on your site.

overlay example pushengage

Visitors just need to click the ‘Allow’ button to subscribe. No email address or phone number is required, so getting more subscribers is easier.

PushEngage also notifies every new blog post that is published and sends it to your subscribers. Or you can choose to create and send your own custom notification in less than 5 minutes.

create new notification pe

Push notifications are the best way to rekindle visitor interest and bring them back to your site.

CategoriesUncategorizedTags#Blog #Bloggers #blogpost #bloggingtips #contentmarketing #keywords #backlinks #marketers #SiteAudit #hosting #bluehost #siteground #spyfu #semrush #moz #ahrefs #seo

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