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A Blog Post (2021)

A Blog Post (2021)

If you want to start a new blog or have already started one, the next step is to figure out what to write. Whatever the purpose of a blog, personal or business, content would play a critical role in a blog’s success.

A Blog Post

You have to realize that the internet is oversaturated with textual content. In order for your blog posts to stand out, you need to put in serious effort to create great content.

In this article, we’ll show you how to write your blog posts and make them informative.

Definition of a blog post

The blog post is an item (article) that you write on a blog. It can contain content in the form of text, photos, infographics or videos.

The Structure of a Blog Post

Below is the exact basic structure of a good blog post.

blog post structure

Use these elements to optimize each post for both readers and search engines:


The headline or title of your blog post should grab the attention of potential readers. People can see it in their social media news feed or in search results. Make sure to include the main keyword people could use when searching for the topic you are covering.


datedate of your content is optional but recommended. If you update your blog regularly, post dates can help your visitors determine the recent posts. It’s not that important on evergreen content pages , but is often used for content published daily.

Author per line

An author per line helps readers identify who wrote the content and is especially important for blogs with many writers. Additionally, the author’s name can make your content more confident if a licensed writer creates it.


Category Category Used to group your content into different sections. It is recommended that you use category tags for every blog post you create. Merging relevant content is helpful to your visitors and search engines crawling your blog.


The first paragraph of your blog post will keep people reading or make people leave. Make sure it forces people to read the rest of your content. You should use your targeted search engine keyword phrase at least once in this section.

Main content

It is the bulk of the content of your blog post. Think of the headline as the promise and the main content as the fulfillment of that promise. Your main content should please everyone who visits your post based on the headline. If you create content that doesn’t live up to your headline promises, people will start to view your blog as unfulfilled. The length of your blog posts can range from 300 to 3,000 or more words. It’s best to vary the length of your posts to understand what works best for your audience.


Many people will scan your blog content instead of reading it word for word. Write subheadings that split your content into digestible sections. Make sure those subheads represent the content in them.

Bold Text

Use bold text in a few areas of your main content to emphasize important points. Use it selectively. Otherwise, your entire article will appear bold, taking away the ability to highlight important parts of the content.

Bulleted / Numbered Lists

While you don’t want bullets or numbers in your entire message, these lists help separate steps and tables of useful content.


Supplement the text portion of your content with media, such as related images and videos. It will help break up your content and better illustrate your points.

The least you can do is include a featured image in your post. Add the main keyword of your post to the image file name and ALT tag. It will help you optimize your message.


The conclusion should be one or two paragraphs at the end of your post to summarize the content you have written. The reader must understand what material you have covered. If they didn’t, chances are they will go back to see what they may have missed.

Call to action

The last line of your blog post should be some form of call to action. It can be as simple as asking readers to give their thoughts in the comments or share the post on social media. If you wrote the post to promote a particular product or service, the call to action should encourage the reader to learn more about it.

Social share buttons

Social media is a useful tool to promote your blog content. You need to make sure that all of your content has social buttons so that people can easily share it on social networks. You can place them at the top of your content, at the bottom of your content, or to the side as a floating widget.

Comments section

Aside from the content of your blog post, comments are the most important part of your blog. This section gives your readers the opportunity to communicate with you and other visitors. It is important that you respond to the comments and open the conversation.

You do not need to include all elements from this list in every message. Always have an engaging introduction, high-quality content, and a solid conclusion.

How to Write Your First Blog Post

The first will be the hardest to write, and chances are you will feel like Alice in Wonderland. But it’s important to push yourself out of your comfort zone and get your job there.

[VIDEO] How to write the perfect blog post: ► Sign up for more helpful videoshttps://www.youtube.com/embed/n0dQJVEliSQ?feature=oembed

In your first post, take a moment to introduce yourself . Tell your readers who you are, what motivated you to blog, and what you will write. The post title can be “Welcome to my blog” or “My first blog post”. You can also introduce your next blog post here, where you will be talking about a particular topic. Read more: blog postHow to write one (+ the perfect structure)

Examples of good blog posts

The title of your blog post should show readers a value proposition. It should include your most important keywords and the benefit that your readers will get from the blog post.


Now you have mastered the basics and understand the structure of a blog post. The next is to experiment with your content. Your blog posts should stand out from the sea of ​​content that is flooding the internet. Try to be different and approach your topic from a new angle that can even be controversial. Good luck!

CategoriesUncategorizedTags#Blog #Bloggers #blogpost #bloggingtips #contentmarketing #keywords #backlinks #marketers #SiteAudit #hosting #bluehost #siteground #spyfu #semrush #moz #ahrefs #seo

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